Hackathon Sponsorships
Invitation Code: RFP-Hack


Cisco Research welcomes the opportunity to sponsor hackathons in the research community.

An application for a CRC Event Sponsorship consists of the following sections:

  • The name and address of your parent institution
  • An event summary and a description of sponsorship benefits
  • A list of contacts, including the Lead Primary Investigator (PI)
  • A description of your financial support requirements

Proposal Submission:

After a preliminary review, we may ask you to revise and resubmit your proposal. RFPs maybe be withdrawn as research proposals are funded, or interest in the specific topic is satisfied. Researchers should plan to submit their proposals as soon as possible.

General Requirements for Consideration, Proposal Details, FAQs

You can find the information by scrolling down to the bottom of the webpage: Research Gifts. If your questions are not answered in the FAQs, please contact research@cisco.com.

Constraints and other information

IPR will stay with the university. Cisco expects customary scholarly dissemination of results and hopes that promising results would be made available to the community without limiting licenses, royalties, or other encumbrances.